The new way of watching baseball games

I have always considered myself something of a baseball purist. I can remember listening to Cleveland Indians games with my Great Grandfather on the radio. When I was a kid I always preferred listening to Ernie Harwell call the games on the radio over the TV telecast. Of course like all of you I know use a wide variety of media to watch and cover this team. Everything form the local TV telecasts, to MLB premium on my computer, laptop, iPad, and iPhone. However, over the 2012 season I have found two apps that enhance my enjoyment (and lets face it we are grasping at straws to find entertainment in the Detroit Tigers 2012 season) of watching Tigers games.
The first is Get Clue, and can be found at It is kind of like four square for those of us who spent a lot of time watching sports and/or TV. A user can check in, craft a few quirkly or snarky comments and interact with fans of said sports teams or TV shows. Of course I am on there as part of my job, as part of being the editor of DJC. However, a lot of people are on just having fun interacting with other Tigers’ fans. Sure a good sports bar is a great place for that too, but one cannot spend every Tigers game at a sports bar, or they could but may develop a problem.
Get Clue is a great way to see what other Tigers fans are thinking, to interact with people the way we, in the 21st century do, and for sports writers like myself get additional opinions on what is going on with this team. Interacting with the fans is an important part of a sports writers life, after all it is the fans who read these posts, and their views and opinions need to be adequately represented.
To be very honest, my friends on Get Clue are fastly becoming my favorite social media friends (yes, that was a bad Fight Club pun but whatever). One of my favorite posts came from a Get Clue friend who said about Rick Porcello, “it’s ok to look pretty and not be able to throw the ball.” I had a serious LOL over that one and is just one example of the fun the DJC staff has on Get Clue during Tigers games.
The other app I like to use is Sports Yapper; however that one has of yet failed to catch on with the general public (hint, hint). Again the premise is pretty much the same a user picks a game they are watching and then can post comments about said game. It is cool setup and would love to interact with more Detroit sports fans there (hint, hint).
Of course the best thing about these apps is their integration with Facebook. Since everyone uses Facebook (don’t deny it I so don’t believe you) having a hub from ones social media activities is essential. Granted I have a much different view on this since I do this for a living but I think some of you will have fun with apps like Get Clue and Sports Yapper.