If Detroit Tigers Lose So Should Dave Dombrowski
By Rich Seroka

The 2014 Detroit Tigers are reminding their fans of the 2006 Detroit Tigers team. That Team also was in the lead of the American League Central Division but lost its last 5 games to back into the playoffs. With one game remaining in this season they can still win the division and avoid the wild card game.
For today the best case scenario is a clinching win to take the division. The worst case scenario would be a loss coupled with a Kansas City win and have to play game 163 the loser being forced into the wild card game. The Detroit Tigers have under achieved this year and now for one game they need to step up and take this division.
12 Years No Championship
Since coming to the Detroit Tigers , Dave Dombrowski has tried any number of different strategies to bring home the world series trophy.
- Strategy 1: Hire a veteran manager leading aging veteran players who want one more bite at the world series apple.
- Strategy 2: Give star players from the teams former championship and opportunity to lead them back.
- Strategy 3: Hire a veteran manager with a world series pedigree a team with some high priced free agents.
- Strategy 4: Hire a rookie manager with a ton of potential to lead a team bought and paid for on the free agent market.
A strategy 3 seemed to work the best and resulted in to world series appearances without a title. The result of strategy #4 has yet to be determined but based on last night performance it doesn’t look good.
If the Detroit Tigers lose the division Dave Dombrowski should lose his job, unless they manage to win this years World Series. This town deserves to have a Championship and if they fail this year it will be Mr. Dombrowski’s 12th year of failing to do so. He has had enough time and spent enough of Mr. Illitch’s money.
Inmates Running The Asylum
Miguel Cabrera is hobbled for the second year in a row by injuries have stopped him from being as productive as he should be. Part of the problem is his refusal to sit out games to get healthy, Justin Verlander has this same issue. Playing through injury is great when you have little tiny nicks and bruises but when you are truly hurt in effects this team chances of winning when you put yourself above the team.
This has been a failure of Dave Dombrowski because he has coddled these players since he has been here. Losing this division again with the highest payroll would be an epic failure for a team with world series expectations. Anything short of a winning a world series championship should result in Dave Dombrowski should being fired.