Grading the Detroit Lions offensive starters

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I wanted to put a piece together that would grade the Detroit Lions starters for this season. I originally was going to do the classic A-F scale but I decided it just wasn’t original enough. So without further adieu, I give you the Payton Method Of Grading Starters or the P.M.O.G.S. Ok maybe that acronym doesn’t work out so well. Here’s how the scale works:

There are five categories all with a 1-5 rating. 5 being the best 1 being the worst. A 25 would represent a perfect score. The categories are as follows:

Health: Grading the player’s ability to stay healthy and uninjured throughout the season.

Big Play: Grading the big play ability. By this I mean the player’s game changing ability.

Dependability: Grading the player’s ability to be depended upon in tough situations. Example being the Lions depend on Golden Tate in 3rd down situations.

Smart Play: Grading the player based on their mistakes or lack there of. Including penalties, turnovers, and rookie mistakes.

Impact: Grading the players overall impact on the team and it’s success.

Follow along everybody.