Detroit Tigers News: Trade Deadline Strategy and In-game Tactics


The Detroit Tigers lost a heartbreaker to the Chicago White Sox in extra innings on Wednesday afternoon after a valiant 1oth inning comeback came up one run short. The team’s current situation has some fans and media members questioning manager Brad Ausmus’ in-game decision making. Others are wondering if the Tigers should act as sellers at the deadline to position themselves for the future.

Here are some of the news, opinion, and other Tigers-related links from around the internet.

Detroit Tigers need to be sellers at trade deadline
Josh Scramlin – Motor City Bengals

"But perhaps the biggest reason why the Tigers need to be sellers at the deadline is that they have numerous valuable trade chips. By trading some of them to acquire younger talent, the team will not be in such a rapid decline over the next few seasons."

Brad Ausmus should not have pulled Victor Martinez
Nolan Meister – Bless You Boys

"The fact of the matter is that the odds that Wilson’s running would have affected the outcome of the game are quite low. Run expectancy tables show that the average two-out, runner-on-first scenario scores results in 0.21 runs. That is a very low chance of scoring the winning run. Ausmus should have recognized this and held onto the advantage of Martinez’s bat."

Tigers set rehab plan for Avila: some catching, some DH
George Sipple – Detroit Free Press

"Detroit Tigers manager Brad Ausmus outlined Avila’s schedule this morning. Avila will catch three to five innings Friday, then DH on Saturday. Avila is scheduled to catch five innings Sunday, seven innings Tuesday and Thursday and five to seven innings next Friday. He’ll DH on Monday and Wednesday."

Tigers prospect Joe Jimenez named Detroit’s lone representative in this year’s All-Star Futures Game
James Schmehl – MLive

"Jimenez, ranked the organization’s No. 10 prospect according to, is 3-1 this season with a 1.69 ERA in 20 appearances with Class A West Michigan. He has converted six saves and struck out 35 in 21 1/3 innings with the Whitecaps."

Next: The Amazing Jose Iglesias

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