Detroit Lions: The National Media won’t stop ripping apart the organization

(Photo by Leon Halip/Getty Images)
(Photo by Leon Halip/Getty Images)

The NFL obviously stands for the National Football League, but it seems anytime anyone in the national spotlight references the Detroit Lions, it becomes the No Fun League.

When it comes to national coverage, big-ticket members of the media feel the need to line up in front of the drooping boxing glove to see how hard they can punch.

Detroit Lions fans have heard it all before; everyone is very aware the franchise has not won a Super Bowl, and in many eyes, hasn’t been relevant since Barry Sanders retired.  Lots of non-Lions fans will also say the organization hasn’t been newsworthy since 1991.

If you’ve ever wondered how fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs feel, I think this is it, man.

On Thursday, during a press conference, Detroit Lions head coach Dan Campbell playfully wore a racing helmet after being named Grand Marshall for the upcoming Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix for the NTT IndyCar Series.

Seems harmless, right? Apparently not.

The National Media loves to poke fun at the Detroit Lions, even when it’s unwarranted.

The Detroit Lions are not preparing for Week One of the 2021 season or the playoffs.  It’s the beginning of June, and we’re amid OTA’s, yet someone took exception to the first-year head coach having a little bit of fun.  Heaven forbid someone has any fun since we all know how well the opposite approach like Matt Patricia enforced worked. Sigh.

Colin Cowherd and his co-host Joy Taylor decided to bash Campbell and the Lions on their Fox Sports 1 show titled ‘The Herd’ for the kind-hearted press conference.

I’m not even sure what ‘I want better for you Lions fans, that’s all’ means. Campbell hasn’t even coached a game and he seems ‘better’ than Matt Patricia.   Joy doesn’t want Campbell to use a prop to help deliver his message while embracing a culture change; lord knows the Lions are in dire need of change.

Just when you thought Joy was finished, she couldn’t help herself.

Just take a look at what Eagles running back Kerryon Johnson, a former Detroit Lions who played three years under the Patricia regime, had to say about practice.

This only reinforces the fact that the Detroit Lions need a culture change.

There is no actual harm in what Taylor and Cowherd had to say, but it seems like it must have been a slow news day.  Taylor is the sister to former Dolphins standout linebacker Jason.

Joy, a prominent Miami fan, and has mentioned she wasn’t a fan of Campbell during his brief interim head coaching stint with the Dolphins.  Let’s get used to Taylor and Cowherd attacking the Lions because I can all but guarantee you that it will continue.