Michigan Football: Bo Schembechler is no hero, he’s a criminal

(Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images)
(Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images) /

A note to the University of Michigan.  Tear down the Bo Schembechler statue, and remove his name from everything.  Schembechler Hall – GONE.  Change the name immediately.  The legendary Michigan football coach needs to have his name scratched from everything.

If you’ve been living under a rock, Schembechler is being accused of turning a blind eye to the disgusting, sick acts team doctor Robert Anderson regularly conducted on players during his 37 years at the school.

Michigan football’s legendary coach should not be considered a hero. His willingness to remain silent makes him a criminal.

Apparently, it hadn’t been just players, according to Bo’s son Matt.  Seen in an article published on NBC News, Matt Schembechler claims he confronted his father when he was just a ten-year-old after visiting doctor Anderson back in 1969 while he was a member of the Junior Wolverines.

"When he came home and told his father that Anderson had fondled his genitals and “conducted an invasive rectal exam with his finger,” Matt Schembechler said his father reacted with fury — at him.“I don’t want to hear this,” Schembechler screamed, according to his son. “I’m not hearing this.”That was followed by “a punch in the chest.”“This was the beginning of the end of my relationship with him,” Matt Schembechler said of his father, who died in 2006. “I hoped my father would protect me, but he didn’t.”"

Over the past few months, hundreds of former players and other athletes have come forward with similar stories. Not a handful, hundreds of former players.  And for the nitpickers, one is one too many, I’m just reiterating, this is not a case of he said she said, there are plenty of folks mustering the courage to step up and share their story.

Former Michigan football players Gilvanni Johnson and Dan Kwiatkowski joined Matt Schembechler during a news conference this past Thursday to share their stories with the public.

Johnson mentioned that if Bo put a stop to Andersons’ horrific acts, Anderson would not have had an opportunity to molest him in 1982.

Matt later mentioned;

"“[Bo] believed no man is more important than the team. Dr. Anderson was part of Bo’s team, therefore he was more important than any man,” Matt Schembechler said during Thursday’s news conference. “I’m coming forward for my own healing and to help prevent people and institutions from exploiting the trust and power given to them in the future.”"

It’s worth noting that Glenn Schembechler, another one of Bo’s sons, quickly came out and said he didn’t believe his brother Matt’s story.  Glenn is ten years younger than Matt, which also may play a role in the saga. On the other hand, perhaps Bo had changed his ways by the time Glenn came along.

"“None of us were in that room when those players were talking to Bo,” Glenn Schembechler said. “The Bo I knew would have taken care of it and found another doctor. It would be that easy.”"

Glenn’s comments are in line with the one of current Michigan football head coach Jim Harbaugh.  Harbaugh, in the most Harbaugh way, continues to show his love for his former coach.

"“He never sat on anything,” Harbaugh said, according to the Detroit Free Press. “He never procrastinated on anything. He took care of it before the sun went down. That’s the Bo Schembechler that I know. There’s nothing that ever was swept under the rug or ignored. He addressed everything in a timely fashion. That’s the Bo Schembechler that I knew.”"

Michigan’s President Mark Schlissel then sent out this statement;

"“Our sympathy for all of Anderson’s victims is deep and unwavering, and we thank them for their bravery in coming forward,” said a statement from the University of Michigan in response to Matt Schembechler’s allegations. “We condemn and apologize for the tragic misconduct of the late Dr. Robert Anderson, who left the University 17 years ago and died 13 years ago. We are committed to resolving their claims and to continuing the court-guided confidential mediation process.”"

It’s very unfortunate justice won’t be served as Doctor Anderson died in 2008.  He deserved to stand in front of a judge before rotting in jail for years leading up to his death.

Former Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler who passed away in 2006, let his players down and allowed this monster, doctor Anderson, to continue sexually abusing athletes for years.

I don’t understand the reason for turning a blind eye to these sickening acts.  Bo, similar to Joe Paterno, needed to expose these disgusting people immediately.

According to the Detroit News, a Federal lawsuit against the University opened this past May stating the University of Michigan put kids a risk by failing to enforce proper policies and procedures to prevent sexual harassment on the school’s campus.

Next. 3 players projected to get drafted in top 10 in 2021. dark

So in closing, I’d like to reiterate, tear down Bo Schembechler’s statue, wipe clean everything with his name on it, including renaming Schembechler Hall.  Bo is no longer someone who should be idolized; he’s not a hero, he’s a criminal, and his legacy will and should be tainted forever.