Detroit Tigers: 2022 Preseason superlatives and predictions

(Detroit Free Press)
(Detroit Free Press)
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Detroit Tigers
(Detroit Free Press)

The Detroit Tigers are back, and I have been listening to Ernie Harwell quotes for the past 48 hours. The start of the season is filled with nothing but hope, faith, and trust that everyone will be at their best, and now is where we get into the best part of the season’s start: being wrong about every single prediction possible.

Now, of course, the Detroit Tigers could most definitely fit every single prediction I make (just like they did with Andrew Chafin), but preseason predictions are almost always proven wrong and look dumb by the end of the year. However, that is of no concern to me because I know that I am objectively correct all the time.

This is precisely why I, a fan with minimal practical baseball experience, know that my takes will be perfect and won’t look very ill-informed and unintelligent by the end of the year. That is why we are going to make some predictions for this season, including some team and player predictions and player superlatives.

If you are unfamiliar with superlatives, they are essentially the “most likely to” things that were in your high school yearbook to which few people paid attention. I think I was voted “Most Likely to start a Don Kelly-related cult.” Weird how specific that one was.

Anyways, let’s go through everyone’s favorite preseason activity…

Detroit Tigers preseason predictions and superlatives that will be 100% correct.

All jokes aside, let’s get into some predictions for this 2022 season.