Detroit Sports Owners Do Detroit Proud

The owners have generally served Detroit sports fans well, even if the teams haven’t always won.

I am somewhat of a sports addict. I don’t think I have a problem with this, but my wife says I do, and since she is always right, it must be true. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about most sports topics, watch my required quotient of Detroit sporting events and despise Chris Berman like every other red-blooded American.

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In general, I guess you could say I think about sports a fair bit, in addition to thinking about bacon, my lovely, beautiful wife (who coincidently also proofreads all my articles), and bacon some more.

I started thinking how fortunate we are here with our Detroit sports teams. We have had the same teams for many, many years, with consistent, decent ownership. We have never had owners threaten to leave in order to get a new stadium, or outright pack up in the middle of the night and move to a different city because they were getting paid by the new city. We haven’t had owners break the law or shack up with woman a quarter their age or be accused of racism.

In fact, generally our owners have treated us pretty well. The Palace, home of the Detroit Pistons, was the first NBA arena ever built without public money. There has never been any mention of Mike Ilitch moving the Detroit Red Wings as leverage to get a new stadium in Detroit. The Ford’s have never charged personal seat licenses for the right to buy season tickets at their eponymous Detroit Lions stadium.

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  • The owners have generally stayed out of trouble and have fire sales of their best players in order to save money. In fact, they have gone out of their way to ensure the superstars stay in Detroit uniforms, sometimes to the detriment of the team’s salary cap.

    Now, for sure they want to make a buck – on top of the millions of bucks they already have. That is why you pay nine dollars for a beer and 4 dollars for a hot dog and have fields named after banks. But we can’t disagree that our owners want to win, aren’t afraid to invest in their team and have – gasp – obeyed the law.

    For sure there have been mistakes (Matt Millen). Some worse than others (Matt Millen). Some that are pretty hard to recover from (Matt Millen). But generally they do their best for the team and for the city.

    In this age of rampant greed and owners who don’t care about winning, our owners seem pretty awesome.

    Just like my wife.

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